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深圳市荣凯艺瑞文化传播有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
R&K 荣凯艺瑞 (深圳荣凯艺瑞文化传播有限公司) 是集商业摄影、视觉设计、中外模特演绎经纪、文化艺术活动策划、庆典会务礼仪于一体的一站式国际化时尚文化公司。旗下拥有R&K国际摄影机构、R&K国际模特演艺经纪、R&K国际视觉设计、R&K国际俱乐部四大机构。
R&K 荣凯艺瑞由一批不同国籍,富有激情、热爱艺术、追求时尚的高素质人才组成。拥有一批高级策划师、资深专业摄影师、高级化妆造型师、的平面设计师、数码工程师、高素质的经纪人和的中外模特,都是海内外名校高材生,有着共同的价值观和理念,追求企业与社会的共同成长。
专业完善的影视设备、造型配备的高档服饰与化妆用品、数百平米精心设计装修的办公环境,将为您阐释R&K 荣凯艺瑞独有的高品位风格与时尚。R&K 荣凯艺瑞以热情真诚的服务;高质量的专业技术,追求卓越的严谨工作态度;潮流、前卫的时尚风格和无限的创造力,全方位为您提供优质服务。R&K坚信品质,并以此打造出属于R&K 荣凯艺瑞的品牌信念,以的品质回报客户!
公司为R&K团队人员提供良好的薪资福利待遇及广阔的个人发展空间,我们欢迎任何有激情、有创意、热爱生活的人士加入。R&K 荣凯艺瑞 是你展示个人风采和发挥才干的舞台,期待更多人才加盟,共创美好未来!

电话 :0755- 26695922 传真 :0755--26810829
联系:Cindy 手机:13430404205
邮箱:rkerayjob@gmail.com 公司网址:www.rkeray.com

R&K Eray Group is your one-stop fashion mall,where you can find internationalized solutions for your needs in commercial photography,fashion photography,advertisement design, website construction, domestic and foreign models,cultural and artistic events and celebration planning. R & K now has 4 main business ,they are R&K International Photography, R&K International design,R&K International Model Agency, and R&K International Club.

R & K’s management is made up of passionate elites who come from around the world, enchanted by the love of arts and fashion. Additionally, R&K has a professional team that works together to best serve our customers at all the time. This professional team includes senior planners, professional photographers, make-up artists, stylists, graphic designers, network engineers, experienced agents and models, who are from both home and abroad. They all hold university degrees, share same values and cherish the same dream of building their career while contributing to human civilization.

Professional photographic equipment, stylish clothing, branded cosmetics and well renovated large office environment, which will certainly illustrates R&K’s unique high-grade fashion style. R&K serves you all round with warm and sincere service, high-quality technical expertise, good reputation, trendy fashion style and boundless creativity. R&K Eray aims to provide our customers with extraordinary services which they will never obtained elsewhere.

Positive attitude in pursuit of excellence, keen fashion sense, professional and ingenious design will surely create the style that best suits you. R&K believes in quality. We believe that our success only comes through customers ' recognition of our brand and quality. We aim at the best of the best.

R&K Eray offers a fantastic team environment and on-going support. R&K Eary also offers a competitive benefits package and rewards for performance. We are looking for somebody who is passionate, creative and who shows a real commitment to life. Your enthusiasm, innovation and expertise will truly be valued and recognized within our team. So contact us today for your exciting career opportunities!
Address : Unit 207 , Bldg 1, Nanhai Ecool Innovation Park , No. 6 Xinghua Rd, Shekou , Shenzhen ,China
No.34 Orchard Rd, Browns Bay, Northshore, Auckland, New Zealand

Tel :0755- 26695922 Fax :0755--26810829
Contact:Cindy Mob:13430404205
Email:rkerayjob@gmail.com Website:www.rkeray.com


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